Cataract & Oculoplastic Surgeon / Medical Retina Specialist

Mr Ijaz Sheikh is a Consultant Ophthalmologist at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS hopsitalsTrust. His special clinical interests include the diagnosis and management of macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusions, complex uveitis cases, Cataract and Eyelid surgery.

He provides a prompt, patient centred and customised service for all his patients, using the latest techniques and instruments for the highest professional standards. Mr Sheikh performs treatments such as intravitreal injection therapy, laser treatment for diabetic eye diseases and other retinal problems.

Mr Sheikh has several international publications and presentations and is actively involved in the teaching and training of other ophthalmologists, optometrists, and nurses, locally as well as internationally.

He is also an examiner for the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Royal college of physician and surgeons of Glasgow and a Reviwer for University of Health sciences in Pakistan.

Mr Sheikh has many peer review publications and is regularly invited to speak and moderate in training and research sessions in national and international meetings. He is an invited reviewer for international journals in his field.

Mr Sheikh has been involved with many ophthalmic charities around the globe to redcue the preventable blindness.

He has co-founded Institute of ophthalmic research with particular emphasis to improve the quality of healthcare through publications, audit and research in his native country through Tele Ophthalmology, condcuting webinars, survey of disease pattern and initiating unique online Virtual Adult glaucoma fellowship program.

Facts For Choosing ijaz Sheikh

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